Taxes for 2023

Did I say this last year? Never again am I going to be caught out not having my taxes in order.

I love this

I literally just upload receipts and tag what they are, what and who they for and that’s it.., done!

Only thing is last year I didn’t have the tags all on the receipts🧾 ! Epic Fail.

Here’s m upload for a HVAC replacemen: I just uploaded the receipt and entered some basics, add the tags I want associated like taxes 2022 and receipts, when I wanted to add a couple of extra tags it even shows me suggestions based on my data I already entered. Awesome 👏

👏 Then, if I want to pull this up for a tax report for 2022. I can search by 2022 Taxes and 607 Opal House.

From the in built dashboard I just entered my dates and search for taxes, no special need to remember the actual tag name I used.. it just has some AI built in.. whoa very cool!

Get this.. all this capability is FREE!!