Organize your Thoughts with the best To Do App

To Dos.. I don’t know about you but I just feel overwhelmed with the number of things I just have to get done especially now since school is so close to being back in session! I’m working and I just have so many things I have to get done.

I wanted to share how I have been using MiPlaniT, what has it been good for and the tools I use where To Do apps and Calendar apps, are just that, nothing fancier than what they make out to be.

So I was one of those people who lived by Wunderlist. When it died, all my lists did too! 😞

I lost all my abilities to organize and everything else wasn’t cutting it. So here’s my new go to app!

Here’s a view of my detailed to do list.

But I can then assign them to other people and also get updates and share them!

This week, my daughter started using it after she got braces and wanted motivation to get her to the date she gets to remove them! So she has a daily reminder to brush her teeth and accept a to do reward that gets her one day closer to her goal and reward she picked.

She also gets her homework reminders 😂 ❤️

Free access!

There’s just so many things in here, but how the daily to do tasks remind me to take my medicine and how I can sync it to my Apple Watch is pretty awesome!

If you also like me have multiple calendar, kids on summer break and multiple businesses the ability to just keep things separate is fundamental but also not drop any balls.

#familyorganizer #digitalplanner #sharedcalendar #reminders

Other Digital Planners I recommend:


Its great for many things but if you have more business projects you might find Todist . I definitely think it works well for family, friends and organizing my work life but for corporate teams I would check out this app to Todoist below:

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